Round 2 is done. The chemo is finished for the day, and now we are onto the Perjeta and Herceptin. The caps must stay on for 4 hours after they finish, such good fun!
We took some good pictures for everyone today, some before the cap went on and then some with good ol cappy. All in all it was a good day. I had some lovely visitors today that made the day go by so much quicker!
Didn’t see Rod, he didn’t surface today but the caps where here. Gavin my tech didn’t think they were cold enough so he kept them in his little freezer a bit longer. Gavin wins for the day. Oooooh that Rod.
I also used my port for the first time today, I asked Stephanie if it is really in my vein, you know my neurosis from the other day. Turns out my mom had the same question! Once she put the needle in (Stephanie not my mom), the needle got blood out so that means winning! End result, chemo went into my veins and is not floating randomly in my body. That’s a relief!
We met with my doctor today and she was rather pleased that I handled the first round so well, aside from all expected side effects. I also am now the proud owner of a certified pot card. Dreams do come true, and I just needed cancer to get one. Awesome. Lets see if I finally make it into the dispensary now.
Consensus decided for now on “”Fight Song,” although I think “Eye of the Tiger” is a better fit. I’ll keep you posted on my final answer.
Enjoy the pictures below, I hope you find them as attractive as I do! Until tomorrow…

So glad to hear that everything is going well. Your blogs are so great, it almost seems like fun, NOT! Stay strong and continue to kick Ass!
Neck pillow = winning
Yeah Jessie!!! That punum of yours would still be cute and adorable no matter what you had on your head!!! Glad number two is behind you. Sending hugs , Gloria
Congrats on completing round 2.
Love the pics – And your terrific sense of humor.
It’s Jessie vs cancer. I’d bet all my money on you!
Go Jessie
your blog is so real – yet funny – yet real!!! this is in reply to all the posts you made recently – you write so well and you are very funny and ironic and out of the box and Real…………… very smart to share once so that you don’t have to repeat on a one to one call and I don’t call a lot because Zack is keeping me in the loop – I know this was a tougher thursday than the first – and that you had a lot of support from family and friends this weekend!!! Wish I could be one of the boots on the ground – but save me for when you need more coverage – how i wish i lived closer and that each visit wasn’t planes and trains and automobiles and that i could just pop over and take the kids for the day etc!!!!! but no point in me going there – i don’t care how far you guys are – I want to see you all more and help – we can talk about that in days to come – I love the videos oF Dylan crawling – and in the tub with bro Asher – like the guys having a bath together – i have shots like that of josh and zack – not as cute as your photos! Dylan is a Doll!!!!! Ash is a big brother! I’m with you everyday – lots of love, Linda