Well, today I don't have much to write about except for the boring wait for my PET scan. When I was a kid, I thought that a PET scan was a scan of your family pet. Duh, I was super wrong.
During said waiting, I had some realizations.
1- My life has turned into a full blown medial drama. I can't quite decide if I'm more “Grey's Anatomy” or “ER.” I mean I am definitely NOT House, sadly because they know that I have cancer and it's curable. Also, my doctor is not a sexy doctor walking with a cane (He had something, ok?), but rather a lovely woman. Boring. But she's brilliant so there's that.
2- While waiting to go into the “quiet room” before my scan, I got scared that I was going to be seriously radioactive. Like glowing yellow. The stuff they inject you with actually IS radioactive, so I can't be near the kids for a day. Ok its only 6 hours, but the kids need to hang with Grandma and Grandpa during the week right? I should be relaxing and enjoying the quiet but I'm not. Back to my point. While I was waiting, there was an older man in the quiet room. Not to be gross, but he pissed all over the bathroom I think. Like to the point that they were worried about radioactivity. How do you like that picture? They then told me to go in that room. OH HELL NO. I wouldn't go in there until I knew it was safe. I mean I already have cancer, but I'm not interested in turning into the Incredible Hulk or something today. After I was assured it was safe, I sat on the chair and relaxed. For the first time today.
3- PET Scans are oddly relaxing. So much so that I fell asleep. Everyone could use a scan every now and then, or maybe just a day at the spa.
4- The scan was clear in the lymph nodes. Thank G-D!