And the weekend ends

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Well, the weekend is over and tomorrow is another week.  Another week of chemo.  This thursday I will go in for my 3rd chemotherapy.  My third! After thursday I will be halfway done, how fucking crazy is that?  How crazy is it still that I have Breast Cancer?  Yea, apparently it still hasn’t hit me yet either.  Perhaps it will one day…

We had a great weekend, especially the fact that the kids went to my parents for the night yesterday.  I love them and all, but a night away every few weeks is just what we need.  We totally just napped and watched tv, ok I did while Zack was outside but it was still so relaxing.  We had dinner with a few new friends, again some nuts like us which is so refreshing.  They liked our cancer jokes, that makes them friends for life!  Too bad we didn’t go to Maradentro…

Yesterday Zack stumbled upon an old blog of another Breast Cancer (now) survivor.  Funny enough, her blog was titled “Pass me a cupcake.” I guess cancer and cupcakes have a good ring to it, or we are just all fat fucks at heart with a sweet tooth.  Either way, it was so refreshing to read her blog, I felt so connected to her even though she’s 3+ years out, but she wrote like me and her attitude was like me.  She said nothing is going to get her down, laughter is the best medicine and this is annoying.  IT IS ANNOYING!

I’ve decided that having cancer is so annoying.  I’m not mad at it, I am annoyed at it.  Why choose me?  Why bother me?  I wasn’t doing anything bad to piss off my genes at this time of my life, and this is just fucking up my life plans for my 35th year.  Ugh, annoying.  So yes, it was so good to read another person is annoyed by cancer.  At least I will have good boobs…

Knowing what is coming up this week is giving me an edge, and honestly I am a little bitchy.  It is not right, but I am a little stressed.  I need to make sure that I am really prepared this weekend, with all my supplies.  It’s like going to battle, with my body.

So with that I will sign off, I have a hectic few days coming up but that’s cool with me.  I am going to watch some trashtastic tv tonight and eat some ice cream.  No excuses necessary.



2 thoughts on “And the weekend ends”

  1. Love your ‘tude’! If you get a chance look at the book Cancer Smancer, by Fran Dresher! You go girl!!!

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