Oh what’s that? Makeup!

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Oh hello makeup drawer, it’s so nice to see you again! I woke up this morning, actually just GOT up this morning feeling ok.  I didn’t really sleep due to the previous nights shenanigans- understandable right?  I was way too terrified to take any pills before bed, fearing I would again wind up on the floor.  I was feeling so blah this morning, that I decided I needed to “put my face on” so they say.

It has been over a week since I have “done myself up” and I just needed it.  For me, for the kids and Zack, for the new nanny!  She started today, more on that later.  Anyway, I felt somewhat normal that I took the kids to meet my mom and Grandma for lunch.  I have absolutely NO taste right now, so I ordered the absofuckinglutely spicest pasta known to man.  I am still tasting it!  Progress! It was good to get out of the house, but now I am resting up until our play date comes over.

I said it before, but this has been the strangest chemo recovery ever.  I don’t know if I am seriously lucky, but I haven’t had to take a pill since Sunday for my nausea.  My mom said she saw them give me the drugs, but I really don’t believe it.  I am not complaining!

Anyway, Isabel started today and Asher has taken to her like a moth to a flame.  He has been following her around showing her everything, and it is rather cute.  It doesn’t hurt that she gave him watermelon and drives a RED car (he loves anything red)!  Lets hope the love affair keeps up.  I think i’m having a harder time than the kids!!

Hope you’re having a wonderful day, I am schvitzing.



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