We have made it to the LAST week of chemo, officially. I am officially on a countdown to the LAST time I will hopefully ever have to have chemotherapy enter my veins. Here is to the final countdown of days.
I have never in my life wanted the days, hours or minutes to go so fast in my life. As my dad said tonight, he has never wanted a summer to be over more in his life. I can’t agree more. I have wanted the summer to be done before it even started, as sad as that is. I have been waiting for September 1st since May 17th! You know that I have been crossing off the days on my bathroom calendar for the past few months, to see that there are only 3 days left feels amazing! I can’t wait to tick off today- then there will be only 2 days!
In other news, I have developed neuropathy in my feet. I am not 100% sure, but am pretty sure that’s what it is. My legs started to hurt on Friday, but since the party on Saturday it has been worse. I wasn’t sure if I should chalk it up to standing for 4 hours, or just the fucking neuropathy. I have been totally forgetful the past few weeks about taking my glutamine, so I am really kicking myself for that. We have to take glutamine because it is supposed to prevent neuropathy. Oops. Anyway, today the tingly sensation got a bit worse in my left foot. I am praying that it doesn’t get worse. The good news is that it does go away apparently. Here’s to hoping!
More complaints from me. I feel like I am getting a cold. My nose is runny and I feel post nasal coming on. This is the last thing that I need right now. I need to be healthy for Thursday and so can’t afford to get to Tower and have my blood checked to be told my white cells are too low. I will strangle somebody and it might be Rod. Don’t worry- I call that fucker for the last time tomorrow, just to fuck with him.
So I leave you with the countdown of 3 days! (I am too lazy to count the exact time.)